
Fizzbuzz in Forth

fizzbuzz in a classic SOPlang

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Setting up a dev environment for laravel/react (Part 1 of Some)

time to learn some php

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Top Eight Opsec Fails

failing to plan is planning to fail

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3d Printing Custom Camera Mounts

cheap, fast, easy.

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Privacy Auditing Services

what does the net know about you?

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Website updates

new features

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Wtf is LBRY/odysee and how does it work?

can the platform compete with advertising based models?

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Brave Browser

is it possible to like a browser?

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$16 MIDI mixer from scratch

custom electronics on a shoestring

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Accellerated Tensorflow Ubuntu/Pop_OS 2021

it shouldn't be this hard

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Ebike 2021

new wheels

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Finding the Utah Monolith

can't be that hard

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Reflecting Points Across a Point-Slope Line

this took way too long

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Accelerated Tensorflow on AMD and Pop!_OS

the saga continues

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Enabling Hardware Render for Linux/Blender on AMD Hardware

the misery of compute on AMD

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New PC 2020

nothing fancy

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3d Graphics in the Browser with three.js

ridin' spinners, we ridin spinners (we don't stop)

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Nuking my DB

everybody hurts

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